a comment on Mark Shea's blog

Comments: "Dr Bernard Nathanson, the ex-abortionist, suggests that pro-lifers could use the expression 'right to live' because it makes it plain that the person we are talking about already has a life, rather than having a 'potential' life."
"Mortification is the spice of life." - Fr. Edward Hathaway

What the V can do: age 29 months

She can say:
"I hear a mourning dove."
"I did it!"
"I like that book."
Lots of pronoun use. Some confusion like "There is her." and "Where is she?" said of non-female objects.

Also: "Thomas is crying! Baby's crying!"
Dad: "Yes, Thomas was crying. Is Thomas a baby?"
V: "No."
Dad: "What is Thomas?"
V: "A boy."
Dad: "And what is (Girl V)?"
V: "A GIRL!"

So she finally knows she is a girl. She is starting to understand and answer "or" questions "Is your hair straight or curly?" instead of just repeating the last option.

Likes to pretend that she is scaring me, or a toy is scaring me, or scaring her. Very interested in scariness generally. Also LOVES to pretend that Daddy is "Daddy Cat" and then order the cat around.


Girl V has noticed that ladies have "boovs," and has asked if she can "have boovs too?" (I told her "Yes. Later.") She also wants to get married, drive a car, and use a sword and shield.

Dean urges Dems to court evangelical Christians

"I haven't seen gay marriage in the Bible once."-- Howard Dean
Got it. Would that lack of discussion of gay marriage be in the New Testament, where the Book of Job is reputedly located, or the Old Testament?
Really, I can't think of a more queer-positive personality than the God of the Hebrew Scriptures. Remember all those recommendations that men lay with other men, and condemnations of "breeders?"
Or was that the New York Times I was reading? So hard to keep them straight.

Layout changes

Time to say goodbye to YACCS comments. Sad, sad. Hello Blogger comments and layout. Limited time to update and maintain the blog has led to this change. This new automation should help.
O.O. says being married to him is like being married to "a waterfall with lightning in it" or "a lion with an electric guitar."

Upon seeing light reflected on the ceiling.

She sees the light on the ceiling. "Whazzat?"
Mommy: "It's light. It's a reflection."
Girl V: "Hi flesshun! ...What are you doing flesshun? (Want to) play in-a Jump-o-lene? Come here!"
Mommy rotates the mirror causing the reflection, showing her that the reflection moves too.
Girl V: "Where are you going flesshun? Come back! It's going away! There it is!"
Girl V gets distracted by the mirror for a minute. Looks in her mouth, makes funny faces. Time to play with Eeyore.

Girl V 28.5 months

Lots of amusing expressions. "Hi one girl!" and "(Girl V) live ons the Eart!" She lately has enjoyed playing with the Little People. The recurring scenario is one starts crying, and another comes over and says "I hep you!" She is just figuring out emotions like sad and angry. We are focusing a lot on discipline right now because she likes to push, push, push the limits. Hmm, wonder where she got that? Actually I was a pretty compliant kid, so was my husband.